Where do you see AR in future classrooms?

In future classrooms I predict that the way we teach and learn will be immensely different than we do today. Through the use of technology and augmented reality students will be able to get many more experiences and learn through different forms. These new processes will be very beneficial as almost all of the information transmitted to our brains from our senses is from visual information (Fingent, 2021). Augmented reality is the process of using technology to overlap any information onto the real world environment, through a camera enabled device (The Computer Science Education Research Group, 2020). In teaching anything from history and science, to even basic knowledge like naming animals and the alphabet, augmented reality will change the learning experience. Instead of traditional methods like textbook readings and even class videos shown, augmented reality for learning will create a direct source for learning, by witnessing it first-hand.
The video I’ve attached below on augmented reality for education shows many examples of how I think it will be used in classrooms, like learning human anatomy, and about the solar system. Edward Thorndike’s Theory of Connectionism can be displayed through AR. The Connectionism Theory describes that learning happens when individuals make connections between a stimulus and a response. Augmented reality will help students to make greater connections between stimuluses and their responses.
Fingent . (2021, February 10). Augmented reality in education | transforming learning experience | fingent. YouTube. Retrieved November 23, 2021, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJ_gb6MuLhU.
Lee, Chris. (2018) Instructional Design Models and Theories: Connectionism. Arizona State University https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYd6xIz1q-U
S., V. (Ed.). (n.d.). Use cases of augmented reality in education and training. RubyGarage. Retrieved November 23, 2021, from https://rubygarage.org/blog/augmented-reality-in-education-and-training.
The Computer Science Education Research Group Augmented Reality (AR) Simulations with Merge Cubes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahJIzV6yE00
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