Benefits of SAMR for Learning

Learning about the SAMR model gave me a realization how far technology has come and how much we benefit from it in our day to day lives. I can’t remember the last time, if ever, I wrote an essay with a pen and paper. Not being able to go back in and edit and change mistakes as easy as we can with the use of technology. One example of how technology makes our lives easier, and displays redefinition, the 4thcomponent of SAMR, is the use of in class live online quizzes. Redefinition allows tasks to be possible, that formerly would not have been possible (Rich Colosi Media, 2014). iClicker quizzes, allow teachers to test students in person, with the technology marking each student on the spot and inputting grades. Traditionally, no lecture of 200 plus students would be able to complete a quiz and have all the answers marked and the grades inputted into a computer, in such a short period of time. This allows for on the spot learning, and direct feedback on their answers. I find it helpful and engaging when teachers implement modern technology into the classes. Being a part of a generation raised during the formation of modern day technology, it is extremely beneficial.
Joe, Linisha, & Human. (2020, September 17). Live streaming class quiz games – blog. Quizalize. Retrieved October 20, 2021, from
Rich Colosi Media. (2014, June 20). The SAMR Model Explained By Students.
Hey Julia,
Great post. You have some great points about technology and how it has improved. I like your example of the Iclicker. This item can record marks, take attendance, and show the students who are participating. It is also weird to think about writing with a pen and paper. In elementary school, I always wrote with pen and paper. Now, technology has improved so much, we don’t even have to print out our papers, we can simply hand it in online.
Thanks for sharing!
Hi Julia, thanks for sharing this post! I completely agree that technology has made school a lot more efficient. I think we often forget about how much technology is integrated throughout our learning. For instance, bright spaces allows us to hand in papers without having to attend class to hand in a physical copy and we are able to complete quizzes and get immediate feedback and marks. Like you said, technology is a great way to get immediate feedback that is only improving learning. I am excited to see what the future of technology has in store for teachers and students!!